Category Archives: مبادل حراري

Square Cooling Tower Manufacturers

برج التبريد المربع

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Square Shaped Cooling Towers

برج التبريد المربع

برج التبريد على شكل مربع [/ caption] برج التبريد شكل مربع هو تصميم يتم فيه توجيه تدفق الهواء بشكل عمودي على تدفق المياه (انظر الرسم البياني أدناه). يدخل تدفق الهواء واحدًا أو أكثر من الوجوه العمودية لبرج التبريد للوفاء بمواد التعبئة. تدفق المياه (عمودي على الهواء) من خلال التعبئة بالجاذبية. تدفق الهواء هو عكس تدفق المياه مباشرة (انظر الرسم البياني أدناه).

Square Shaped Cooling Towers

Air flow first enters an open area beneath the fill media, and is then drawn up vertically. The water is sprayed through pressurized nozzles near the top of the tower, and then flows downward through the fill, opposite to the air flow. The cool water absorbs heat from the hot process streams which need to be cooled or condensed, and the absorbed heat warms the circulating water. The warm water returns to the top of the cooling tower and trickles downward over the fill material inside the tower.

Square shape cooling tower contacts ambient air rising up through the tower either by natural draft or by forced draft using large fans in the tower. That contact causes a small amount of the water to be lost as windage (W) and some of the water (E) to evaporate. This method works on the principle that continuous particle removal will keep the system clean. Manufacturers typically package side-stream filters on a skid, complete with a pump and controls. For high flow systems, this method is cost-effective. Properly sizing a side-stream filtration system is critical to obtain satisfactory filter performance.